Apr 28, 2021
We are so excited to welcome today’s guest Dr. Gertrude Lyons.
Dr. Lyons is a leading-edge trainer and educator in human emergence, lifestyle, parenting, leadership development, career, relationship satisfaction and success, and women’s development, and through her work inspires people to take control of their...
Apr 21, 2021
We are so excited to welcome today’s guest Lindsey Bomgren, who is the fitness-loving content creator behind Nourish, Move, Love (NML). NML is a health and fitness lifestyle site devoted to helping women create a lifestyle and body they love through — quick and effective workouts, simple and delicious recipes and
Apr 14, 2021
We are thrilled to welcome today’s guest, Pilar Gerasimo.
Pilar Gerasimo is an award-winning health journalist, pioneering social explorer, and author of a new book, The Healthy Deviant: A Rule-Breaker’s Guide to Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World (North Atlantic Books, 2020).
Best known for her work as...
Apr 7, 2021
We are thrilled to welcome today’s guest, Chastity Lord. Chastity has spent two decades dedicated to dismantling systems of inequity for marginalized communities. She deeply believes that generational poverty is a social justice issue and that families are the best owners and narrators of their lives. History has...