Nov 4, 2020
We are honored and so excited to bring you today’s guest, Jes Rosenberg, a Product Designer, Yoga Instructor, and Mind-Body Educator.
Jes Rosenberg is a nationally recognized mind-body educator and leader in the wellness community. In her more than 32 years of experience, she's helped countless students live more inspired, stress-free lives. Beyond teaching, she brings mindfulness, breath work and yoga practices to senior care centers, public schools, and underserved populations. She is the creator of the award-winning health and wellness app for kids, Super Stretch Yoga, and has been recognized in numerous national and international publications, including The Essential Guide to Yoga and Yoga Journal.
Jes is a seeker. An urban hippie with a #livetolearn vibe. Yoga has offered her amazing opportunities and life experiences, wonderful people to meet, and incredible mentors to study with. Everyone that she comes in contact with on the journey inspires and teaches her – the tot that smiles because they did down dog for the first time without their parents help, the teen who was able to stay out of trouble at school by taking 3 deep breaths, the overworked 40- year-old who made space in their busy day to do a sun salutation, the 95-year-old who takes chair yoga. It is her honor and privilege to share the gifts of yoga with people every day.
Jes likes to teach classes that are mindfulness practices wrapped-up in a challenging vinyasa flow. So, when you walk off the mat you feel refreshed, renewed and rebalanced in body, mind and spirit. It’s like having an oxygen cocktail! You flip the switch and tune into your essence on the mat. Are you new to yoga? Dive in, try it all and enjoy the amazing experiences that every style of yoga has to offer. There is no right or wrong type, find what resonates with you. Yoga is an art and science of the body/mind connection. It challenges the body, focuses the mind, the philosophical principles encourage growth and it has a wonderful meditative aspect. It is an incredible holistic approach to living.
In our conversation we dive into building resilience, empowering the mind and the body, handling stress and fear, becoming mindful and specifically thinking about mindfulness activities you can do off your mat (walking in nature) and so much more!
You can find Jes on:
@jes.rosenberg and @superstretchyoga
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Upcoming Events:
1) We are starting our own "Art of Living Well" Book Club. Please join us in reading the book The Last Law of Attraction Book you will ever need to read by Andre Kap who was on Episode 45 of our podcast. We will be hosting a one hour discussion on the book on Nov. 12 at 11:30 central time. Sign-up here for our discussion (this is a free event).
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